2024-25 Summer School

There are two ways to attend summer school:

  • Credit Recovery – available to students who have failed a core course and need to make up the credit for graduation. The grade earned in summer school will be posted on the transcript and averaged into the student’s Grade Point Average.
  • New this Year: Physical Education and Health! These required courses for the freshman class of 2029 will be offered this summer to give incoming freshmen a chance to meet classmates and add additional electives into their freshman schedule.

COST:  $30 per course

Deadline to register: May 23

With hard work and focus, all courses can be completed by the June 19 deadline.  All final course assessments must be taken at Scecina during business hours and under supervision. If a student finishes a course early, it is not necessary to attend the remainder of the summer school days.  The final day for completing the course assessment is June 26.

PLEASE NOTE:  Students will only be permitted one day’s absence (excused or unexcused) during the fourteen (14) required in-person days in June.  More than one day’s absence may forfeit the credit.

Session I (14 required days on the Scecina campus)

Dates:  June 2-6, June 9-13, June 16-19 from 8:30-10:30 a.m.

Courses:  Alg 1-1, Alg 2-1, Geometry 1, Biology 1-1, English*. Theology*, World History 1-1, U.S. History 1-1, Spanish 1-1, Spanish 2-1, French 1-1, Government, Physical Education. Other courses may be available (check with School Counselor)

Click here to register for Summer Session I.

Session II (14 days on the Scecina campus)

Dates:  June 2-6, June 9-13, June 16-19 from 10:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m.

Courses offered: Alg 1-2, Alg 2-2, Geometry 2, Biology 1-2, English*, Theology*, World History 1-2, U.S. History 1-2, Spanish 1-2, Spanish 2-2, French 1-2, French 2-2, Health. Other courses may be available (check with School Counselor)

*Please note:  The English and Theology courses offered each session are different courses and could fulfill two needed credits.

Click here to register for Summer Session II.