
Scecina President Joe Therber
Our mission is to prepare young men and women of diverse backgrounds and learning styles to be servants and leaders who live the Gospel faithfully in our world. Our Catholic faith teaches us that a Christian steward is one who receives God’s gifts gratefully, cherishes them in an accountable manner, shares them generously in love and justice, and returns them with increase to the Lord.
During recent years, we have attained the State of Indiana’s highest ratings for academic performance and academic progress.
Every day at our school, our students and educators attempt to live their God-given vocations to the fullest. Our faculty, administration, and staff are unmatched in their commitment to our students and to the mission of our school.
As the father of five Scecina Memorial alumni, I enjoy giving witness on a first-hand basis to our students’ abilities, insights, and zest for life.
Thank you for your interest in Scecina Memorial High School.
Sincerely yours,
Joseph S. Therber