The Red and Gold Show

Scecina’s TV Productions, moderated by Chad Tuley, produce daily the “The Red and Gold Show” with important Scecina news, opportunities to get involved, and announcements from teachers and staff.

Please visit the Red and Gold YouTube channel for the latest shows, plus other student-produced videos and photos!

Student journalists produce all content for The Red and Gold Show website and strive to accurately represent the school community in an informative, entertaining manner according to high journalistic standards. The Red and Gold Show provides students with opportunities to develop journalistic skills in reporting, writing, editing and news media. The site also provides all students and community members multimedia content covering all aspects of student life at Scecina.

The Red and Gold Show staff strives to present accurate, fair and objective content in a timely manner.  However, opinions expressed on this website are those of the individual authors or sources, not necessarily of student journalists or the Scecina Memorial High School students, faculty, administration or board of directors.

  • Photos and videos: As a news site with a multimedia focus, we post many photos and videos related to the Scecina community. Releases are not required to post photos or videos of students or the Scecina community since The Red and Gold Show is a news site and is not promoting its own interests. Student media are treated the same as professional news media in this regard.