317.356.6377 | Apply


Why Scecina?

At Scecina, we educate the whole person – spirit, mind, and body – in the Catholic tradition.

Spirit. You’ll gather with your fellow students and teachers each week to pray and worship together at Mass. Each year, you’ll build upon your knowledge of Catholic theology and the Bible. With this firm foundation, you’ll be challenged to deepen your faith, apply it to your life, and serve others.

Mind. Advanced Placement classes. Dual-credit courses. Theatre and Art. Honors. Activities such as robotics, Academic Super Bowl, Book Club, and more. You’ll be immersed in great teaching and learning.

Body. Besides physical education classes, which emphasize health-related fitness, skill development, and habits necessary for a lifetime of activity, you’ll have your choice from all IHSAA-sanctioned sports, including gymnastics, and clubs such as lacrosse, men’s volleyball, and archery. Over 85 percent of Scecina students participate in sports.

Click here for the Admissions Application Process Page

Ready to apply or finish applying?  APPLY HERE!

Let us help you

Choosing the right school is a big decision. We want to help you on your journey.

Miriam Medina (hablo espanol)
Director of Admissions



Patty Feeney
Assistant Director of Admissions
317-356-6377 Ext. 1317