The show goes on for Scecina’s TV Production students
In a normal week in a normal school year, Scecina’s TV production classes produce the Red and Gold Show, a news and announcements show, every day, a consistent presence at school.
The final months of the 2019-20 school year were anything but normal. As students and teachers moved home to work, how could the show continue?
Media teacher Chad Tuley explains how they did it and how the show kept the Scecina Community connected with one another at a time of isolation from fellow students and teachers.
By Chad Tuley
The idea to keep the Red and Gold Show going remotely from home came out of a conversation with (Interim Principal) Mr. Dellacca and Ryan Eldridge, one of our IT specialists.
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I spent the first week at home trying to figure out a system for how we could continue to produce content and shows. My first eLearning assignment for my second-period TV Production class, the one that normally produced our shows at school, was a discussion in Canvas (Scecina’s learning management system).
I asked students to brainstorm ideas for e-learning content for the shows and for how we could create a system to produce and distribute that content. We tossed around several ideas and ended up settling on asking students and staff members to create vlogs (video blogs) from home to help keep us all connected.
The students also liked the idea of issuing challenges, so we created weekly themes for the vlog content and Scecina Strong fitness challenges.
Keeping the show going from home is one of the most meaningful things I’ve done in my 19 years of teaching. I know from comments from students and staff that people in our Scecina Community can still feel connected through our shows, and that’s what it’s all about.
Anything we can do to maintain some kind of normalcy is a huge help right now, and I’m happy to be able to do my part.
I’m also proud of all my TV students for staying engaged and working to create interesting videos from home. The Scecina Community is close and strong, and I know we’re all there for each other, together, or from our separate homes.
WATCH: The Red and Gold Show website
WATCH: The Red and Gold Show YouTube channel
(“SML” is Scecina Memorial Life, a skit-based production by Scecina students featured in the Red and Gold Show.”)
“When we first went to eLearning, the thought was that we wouldn’t be able to produce SML for the rest of the year. However, after hearing about the Zoom and Teams video chat capabilities, I had the idea to try it out for SML. Mr. Tuley and the rest of the class were on board, and we were able to produce our first eLearning SML. It was very exciting and fun and reminded me of how much fun it is to create the SML skits with all of my friends!” — Bailey Sims ’20, Advanced TV Production and SML crew member
“Working from home to keep SML going has been a creative way for me to stay connected with my friends and teacher!” — Amori Curiel ’21, Advanced TV Production student and SML crew member
“It has been nice seeing all of my teachers and friends even though we’re not in school!” — Abby Page ’20, Advanced TV Production student and SML crew member
“It’s more difficult doing it from home because I have to operate the teleprompter, record, and edit my own segment as well as find good lighting by myself.” — Owen Schreiber ‘21, TV Production student and sports anchor for the RG Show. Owen has continued to serve regularly as an anchor during eLearning and has also produced vlogs for the show.
“I like to watch the Red and Gold Show because it’s a little part of Scecina I still have, and I get to watch kids in my class participate in it more.” — Luke Leffler ’20, a fan of the show.