Faith Resources
We hope this message finds you well and as peaceful as you can be during these times.
With Palm Sunday and Holy Week upon us while we experience social distancing, we feel that supporting the spiritual needs of our students, families, alumni, and other friends is more important now than ever before.
While we’re disappointed that we are not able to gather as a Scecina school community, especially during Holy Week, we can be together in spirit by praying for one another and by celebrating Mass, even if virtually.
To help our students and families stay connected to Eastside faith communities, Scecina has compiled the following list of East Deanery and archdiocesan resources for Palm Sunday and Holy Week services. Individual parish information may be subject to change. These resources also will be helpful for you to celebrate Mass in the weeks after Easter Sunday.
We hope you can mark the Passion, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus in a meaningful way in the coming week.
Scecina President Joe Therber
Holy Spirit:
Little Flower:
Our Lady of Lourdes:
St. Mary:
St. Michael Greenfield:
St. Philip Neri:
St. Rita:
St. Thomas:
Archdiocese resources and Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral Masses, and other resources: