Invitation to Scecina parents to capital campaign: Be a part of something extraordinary

Nick Petrone (left) with daughter Sophia ’20 and his wife, Amy.
My name is Nick Petrone, and I am the proud dad of three Scecina Memorial High School graduates. Over the past few years, I have had the privilege of serving as the Chair of the Scecina Parent Ambassador Team, which has granted me a unique view into the school, staff, culture, and the broader, tight-knit Scecina community.
The Scecina experience met the high expectations my wife, Amy, and I had for our three children’s education.
Now, as satisfied past parents, Amy and I are supporting Scecina’s capital campaign, Our Faith, Our Journey, Our Time. We are encouraging other parents to participate, offering our own financial support, and praying for Almighty God’s blessing upon this campaign.
The capital campaign is a unique opportunity for all of us parents — past, present, and future— to be a part of something extraordinary and amazing. I am inviting you to join us on the journey.
The capital campaign pledge phase ends in just a few weeks, on December 31. We have witnessed an incredible outpouring of support thus far. Now we have a unique opportunity to reach our stretch goal of $6.6 million in commitments by the end of the year. We believe it is well within reach, as we have a new $300,000 matching gift challenge. Please prayerfully consider this opportunity and how you can help make this goal a reality. Truly, no gift is too small, and your participation is incredibly important.
You can visit the website campaign page to make your pledge. Or click here for the pledge form that you can fill out electronically or by hand. Then either send it to President Therber electronically as an attachment to, or mail it to the Scecina Capital Campaign Office, 5000 Nowland Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46201. Thank you!
Thank you so much for considering and supporting this critical cause through your encouragement to others to participate, your prayers for God’s blessing on this campaign, and your financial contribution.
Go, Crusaders!
Nick Petrone