You can make a difference! Read Jared’s story.
My name is Jared Aguado-Bermudez, and I am a current senior at Scecina Memorial High School. I went to
Holy Spirit Catholic School and remain involved in my parish there.
The teachers and staff at Scecina have supported me so much. I can’t believe how much I’ve grown throughout
my four years here. I am a different and better person, and I have a clearer vision of my future.
In the fall, I will attend Marian University on a full scholarship as a first-generation college student. I plan to
major in biology and then attend dental school. I also want to minor in ministry to be able to do youth ministry.
During four years at Scecina, my spiritual life really has grown to be a central part of my life. At Holy Spirit, I
help with First Communion and Confirmation classes.
Last summer, I took a mission trip to Honduras through my parish and then traveled to Portugal to take part in
the 2023 World Youth Day, the Catholic Church’s Global Celebration of Young People. In Honduras, the people
are happy, despite having less than we do here in the United States. I bought ice cream for the kids, toys, and
anything I could. Before I returned home, I made a promise to myself that I would come back the following year.
In Portugal, I joined other young people from Alabama to tour the Basilica of Our Lady of Fatima and a beach
afterward. That night I saw the sunset on the beach for the very first time in my life and prayed the rosary for the
first time in a long time. The spark that began in Honduras finally set a flame when I understood what God was
calling me to. God wanted me to develop a community for the youth. From Scecina to Honduras to Portugal and
back to Scecina, I realized my calling in life.
I am thankful for my time at Scecina and the alumni and benefactors like you who give me the great education
and awesome opportunities I have had to experience my faith.
Would you consider supporting my classmates as well as future Crusaders so they can also have great
opportunities at Scecina? Visit!
Thank you,
Jared Aguado-Bermudez
Scecina Class of 2024