Open Your Heart and Home: Become a Host Family for International Students

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Dear Scecina Community,

Every year, Scecina welcomes and educates students from around the world to join us on the Eastside of Indianapolis. These young people come to Scecina to learn English, receive a world-class education, experience American culture, and gain many additional benefits.

The aspect that often stands out most in our international students’ memories is the relationship they form with their host families. These relationships often blossom into lifelong friendships!

We are seeking host families for this fall. What is asked of a host family? All you need to provide is safe space in your home, a caring and supportive environment for a teenager, a ride to and often from school, and meals. Additionally, each Scecina family who has a student at Scecina and who hosts an international student receives a $1,000 discount off their own child’s Scecina tuition. Host families also receive a helpful monthly financial stipend for hosting.

The benefits to the host family and the students last a lifetime. We have had international students here at Scecina for at least the last 40 years, and many friendships that began this way are still strong today. Host families often attend weddings and other life events of their international student.

Please contact me if you are interested in hosting. I am available to discuss all aspects of hosting with you and your family. I look forward to hearing from you soon, and thank you for considering my request.


John Hegarty
Director of International Programs


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