Hybrid eLearning Day on Monday, Nov. 18

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This Monday, November 18, 2019, is a unique day of school. We are calling it a hybrid eLearning day. Some students will be conducting eLearning at home while other students will arrive at school to focus on an ISTEP Fall testing session.

exterior of schoolIf your student is required to come to Scecina on November 18 for testing, you will receive individual communications. If you do not receive a letter in the mail discussing testing from Scecina and your student has not been contacted by our academic counselors, then your student will have an eLearning day on Monday, November 18.

Students who are testing will not have any eLearning work to complete.

Please click here for more information.


Q. What time does school start on Monday, November 18, for those that are coming to school for required testing?
A. School will start at usual time – 7:30am.
Students will report straight to the cafeteria in the morning for breakfast. All students will be served a full breakfast.

Q. What time does school release on Monday, November 18 for those students who will be testing?
A. School will release at 1:30 p.m. for students testing on Monday, November 18. If your child is in season for a sport, club or activity occurring right after school at normal school hours, students are welcome to stay after school and wait for the practice or event to begin.

Q. Will breakfast and lunch be served as usual?
A. Yes, breakfast and lunch will be available for students who come to school for testing on Monday, November 18.

Q. If my student is testing, will the eLearning requirements also apply?
A. No, students that are testing will not have eLearning responsibilities on that day.

Q. How has my student been prepared to take the ISTEP?
A. For those students that will be testing on the 18, we have been conducting practice sessions with those students since the beginning of November. We additionally have been working with all students, identifying levels of academic performance through Renaissance Star assessments beginning with the start of the school year. These results are guiding our efforts to support students in need of additional support. This is not the last opportunity for students to take the ISTEP.

Q. What happens if my student misses the testing on November 18?

A. There will be additional options to take the ISTEP yet this school year, but every attempt at the ISTEP is beneficial, should additional sessions be required to pass. Our academic counselors are monitoring each student’s successes on all testing scenarios very closely. If you have specific questions, please contact our school counseling office at 317-356-6377.

Please contact the school’s principal’s office with any questions at 317-356-6377.

God Bless,
David Dellacca
Interim Principal

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