Capital Campaign 2022: Coming this year!

Architect’s rendering of the planned new chapel in the main school building. The chapel will seat more than 120 people.
Happy New Year! We are very excited to share with you the wonderful things happening at Scecina in 2022 as our capital campaign projects move forward.
Thanks to the generosity of many in our Scecina Community, we have exceeded the original $6 million goal of the Our Faith, Our Journey, Our Time capital campaign and have raised more than $7 million in pledges. Every graduating class in school history has participated. That’s a major accomplishment!
The new weight-training room is finished, and students in sports programs and physical education classes are using it daily. We have also added substantial endowment funds for our Academic Excellence priorities and the Scecina Facilities Endowment.
In October 2021, the Most Reverend Charles Thompson, Archbishop of Indianapolis, approved the proposed design for the new chapel that will be in a prominent location within the east end of the main hall.
The new chapel will seat more than 120 people and include Stations of the Cross, a Reconciliation Room, and other features. In this space, we will be able to have class Masses, group prayer services, individual prayer and reflection, and academic lessons for students to learn more about our Catholic faith.
With the project architect and construction manager, we have set a timeline for receiving final archdiocesan approvals, selecting subcontractors, starting construction, and opening the chapel this summer or fall.
The design and planning of the new athletic and activity fields are well underway! This on-campus venue will include new synthetic turf for Scecina football, boys and girls soccer, baseball, and lacrosse
A running and walking path will surround the fields for the benefit of Scecina cross country and track and field participants. Scecina physical education students will benefit from our new athletic complex as will local community partners and CYO participants. We have field-use agreements with East Deanery schools and several community partners so that our new fields will be assets for not only Scecina, but also the overall community.
Based on significant input from student-athletes, coaches, and administrators, the design team has presented three field layout scenarios to the Scecina Board of Directors for review. The Board plans to give its recommendation for implementation to the Archdiocese of Indianapolis this spring.
Again, these capital campaign improvements are becoming a reality only because of our generous donors. We are very blessed to have such a caring community.
Wishing you and your loved ones many blessings in this new year,