July Athletic Fields and Front Entrance Update

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Greetings, Sceinca Community!

I have more exciting news to share with you regarding our campus construction progress. In addition, this update has a special announcement about four upcoming facility namings in our new outdoor athletic complex resulting from the Our Faith, Our Journey, Our Time Capital Campaign.

Tons of soil from the former baseball, football, and soccer fields were deposited throughout the front yard in June. This soil is the foundation for the new sidewalks, east-west driveway, visitor parking areas, and accessibility ramp.

Most of the new concrete sidewalks across the front yard are complete. To facilitate accessibility into the main hall, the steps that have greeted us inside the front doors for more than 70 years are now covered with concrete. As a result, the front door frame has been raised to the same level as the main hall. This change makes it easier for people using the new accessibility ramp to move directly into the main hall.

New sidewalks at the front entrance of the school building

Earthwork and soil removal on the athletic fields

Now, onto the exciting news about our four athletic facility namings that will be realities soon. From August through October, we will send you individual feature stories about the following facility namings and their value in fostering life lessons for generations to come:

  • Continuation of the “Larry Neidlinger Memorial Baseball Field”: To continue honoring the profound commitment to Scecina that characterized the life of Larry Neidlinger, former Scecina teacher, baseball coach, athletic director, dean of students, principal, and father of six Scecina alumni.
  • “The Jim Drury and Dick Dufour Friendship Field, Home of Crusader Football and Soccer”: A testament to the value of lifelong friendships that students forge at Scecina, especially through interscholastic athletics, as is the reality for these two alumni from the Class of 1960
  • The “Markovich Family Track”: A 1/3-mile walking and running course around the perimeter of the new athletic complex that will support physical fitness in our community, a core value of this Scecina family.
  • The “McNelis Family Scoreboard”: To honor the extensive multi-generational involvement of this family in Scecina athletics and the school as a whole.

We are deeply grateful to these dedicated individuals and families for their commitment to Scecina and their generosity that will inspire wonderful growth in our students’ lives.

As the journey continues, please visit www.scecina/construction for ongoing photos and videos of campus construction in progress. Thank you very much for your generosity and belief. We are eager to welcome you to experience these remarkable transformations.

Thank you once again, and may God’s blessings continue to enrich you and yours.

Yours in Christ,

Joe Therber headshot with signature

Joe Therber

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